Monday, December 10, 2012

Fiction Story

This weeks blog is different.  Instead of answering questions about what you are reading, I am asking you questions about the fictional story you are writing.

1.Who is the main character?  Tell me about him or her.
2.Tell me about the setting of your story?  Where and when does it take place?
3.What is the main plot of your story?

Monday, December 3, 2012

General questions

Answer at least 3 questions from any of the sections.

Do any of the characters, in the book you are reading, change?  In what way?
Who is the most important character in your book?
Do any of the characters do things you think are good/bad?  What? Why do you think it is good/bad?

Who has a problem? Is there one problem or more than one?  Explain.
What is one of the main things that happened in your book?

What was the funniest/saddest/strangest thing that happened in your book?
How did you feel while reading this book?  Why did it make you feel that way.

What did you like or dislike about the way the author has written this book?

1. Do you think there was a message in this book?  What is it?